How to create a search context with the GraphQL API
This document will take you through how to create a search context for your user with Sourcegraph's GraphQL API.
- This document assumes that you have a private Sourcegraph instance
- Assumes you are creating a Private search context with a user namespace which is only available to the user
- For more information on available permissions and ways to alter the following examples, please see Managing search contexts with api - permissions and visibility overview
Steps to create
Step 1: Add to global configuration (must be site-admin):
"experimentalFeatures": {
"showSearchContext": true
Step 2: Make sure you have added code hosts: Add repositories (from code hosts) to Sourcegraph
Step 3: Follow the steps to Generate an access token for GraphQL if you already haven't
Step 4: Navigate to the API console on your instance, replacing sourcegraph.example with the correct string for your instance URL.
- Example:
Step 5: Query your user namespace id and save the value
- The name: will be your Sourcegraph instance login name Example:
query {
namespaceByName(name: "my_login_name") {
Step 6: Query your desired repo id and save the value.
- It should be whatever the URL is for that repo. Example:
query {
repository(name: "") {
Step 7: Take the values from steps 5 and 6 and put them into the example variables from our docs here:
Run this with no changes:
mutation CreateSearchContext(
$searchContext: SearchContextInput!
$repositories: [SearchContextRepositoryRevisionsInput!]!
) {
createSearchContext(searchContext: $searchContext, repositories: $repositories) {
Then in the Query Variables section on the bottom of the GraphQL API page, use this variables example, changing at least the name and description:
"searchContext": {
"name": "MySearchContext",
"description": "A description of my search context",
"namespace": "user-id-from-step-5",
"public": true
"repositories": [
"repositoryID": "repo-id-from-step-6",
"revisions": ["main", "branch-1"]
Step 8: Run the query, that should create a search context and the output will look something like:
"data": {
"createSearchContext": {
"id": "V2VhcmNoQ29udGV4dDoiQGdpc2VsbGUvTXlTZWFyY2hDb250ZXh0MiI=",
"spec": "@my_login_name/MySearchContext"
Step 9: Go to the main search page and you should see the new Search context as part of the search bar!